Organizational Excellence and Performance Management.

write reserch paper about the application of the Baldrige PerformanceExcellence in Oman Medical Board Specialty (OMSB). I am working on the part of this project that compares the model and organization profiles and the data collection through a survey.what is required mention in red in the attached documenti need 1. back groind2.purpose of report3. literature abour organization excellence and its importance4. litrature about baldrige model5. research question and research hypothesis6.research variables and draw of relationship between methodology there is reults of survy of 44 participant i developed ,the writer need to add an explanation the way in templte data analysis provide in attachment in addition to making interview reults from the writer (8 interviews) and the results explanations need to be as in attachment for data analysis8. to add recommendations and conclusion Note in the research : Important notice: follow in methodology the exact template provided in attachment and add eight interview results from the writer’s sidethere is an attachment called successful org, which includes some points,the writer need to use this points to add in the researchAttachment:-template of methodology-the survey results that I made– some research about the same topic-writing guidelines to be followed-success org

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