Personal Response: Moral Combat: Chapter 2: Censorship.

Moral Combat,
Chapter 2 – “Censorship of Literature and Popular Entertainments”
Please write a meaningful response (minimum of 200 words) where you respond to specific content in this chapter (please include a concept, fact, or quote). Demonstrate to me that you read it and thought critically about the content! Was this information new or presented in a different way?
Possible topics include:
D.H. Lawrence’s books – Lady Chatterly’s Lover and Women in Love. (Note: specific scenes described later in the chapter).
Censorship trials and Protestant/Catholic views on censorship
Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) and the “Hays Code”
Legion of Deceny
The Nation’s editorializing against censorhip
D.H. Lawrence’s beliefs in the “sacredness of sex” and his writing about female sexual awakening

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