Pharmaceutical companies run health care in America.

Based on your current favorite choice for a topic/debate within the course theme announcement, answer the following:
State your stance within the debate you chose without using “I.” (1 sentence)
Pharmaceutical companies run health care in America.
Why is your stance a good one for an argument research essay? (at least 3 sentences)
Taking the stance that pharmaceutical companies run healthcare in America provides a clear and controversial position that can generate substantial research material. It allows for exploration into the extensive influence of pharmaceutical companies on various aspects of healthcare, including drug pricing, research priorities, and regulatory practices. Furthermore, this stance encourages critical analysis of the power dynamics between pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, policymakers, and patients, fostering a nuanced understanding of the complexities within the healthcare system.
Who might disagree with your stance and why? (at least 3 sentences)
Challengers of the stance that pharmaceutical companies run healthcare in America might include industry stakeholders, policymakers, and healthcare professionals. Pharmaceutical companies themselves would likely argue that they play a crucial role in research and development, providing life-saving medications and driving medical innovation. Policymakers might disagree, citing regulatory measures in place to oversee pharmaceutical activities and promote patient safety. Additionally, some healthcare professionals might contend that their clinical expertise and patient-centered care are not solely dictated by pharmaceutical companies but guided by evidence-based medicine and patient needs.
Who do you imagine your audience will be? (at least 2 sentences)
Individuals interested in healthcare policy and economics, policymakers, healthcare professionals, patients, and advocacy groups concerned with the pharmaceutical industry’s influence on healthcare systems.
In a full paragraph of 7-9 sentences, and without performing any research, please note what you already understand about the debate and what you do not already understand about the debate:
Within the debate over whether pharmaceutical companies run healthcare in America, I understand that there is significant concern about the influence of these companies on various aspects of the healthcare system. This includes concerns about drug pricing, marketing practices, research priorities, and lobbying efforts. Pharmaceutical companies are often seen as powerful entities that can shape healthcare policies and practices to their advantage. However, I do not yet fully understand the extent to which pharmaceutical companies exert control over healthcare decision-making processes, including their influence on healthcare providers, patients, and regulatory agencies. Additionally, I would like to explore the perspectives of different stakeholders involved in this debate, such as patients, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and advocacy groups, to comprehensively understand the issue. Furthermore, I am interested in learning about potential solutions or regulatory measures that could mitigate any perceived power imbalance between pharmaceutical companies and other stakeholders within the healthcare system.
Shortly, you will begin scholarly research in the library. This research will help you find opposing viewpoints (sources that disagree with you) and supporting viewpoints (sources that agree with you), as well as information to fill in missing gaps in knowledge you may have. With all three of these goals in mind, please list five possible search phrases you might use when you begin searching in the library.
Influence of pharmaceutical companies on healthcare in America
Pharmaceutical industry lobbying in healthcare policy.
Drug pricing and healthcare system in the United States
Role of pharmaceutical companies in medical research funding
Healthcare provider perceptions of pharmaceutical company influence

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