Pick one of these Psychological Disorders . Choose a disorder from this list: Any Depressive Disorder ( Major Depression, Dysthymia, Manic Depression( Bipolar), Anxiety Disorder( Major Anxiety disorder, Panic Disorder, OCD, Phobia) Personality Disorder. No PTSD, or Schizophrenia.

1 . Pick one of these Psychological Disorders . Choose a disorder from this list: Any Depressive Disorder ( Major Depression, Dysthymia, Manic Depression( Bipolar), Anxiety Disorder( Major Anxiety disorder, Panic Disorder, OCD, Phobia) Personality Disorder. No PTSD, or Schizophrenia. If you choose off of this list, please contact Professor first for approval.
2. Must be written in APA format.
3. Must be a min. of 1100 words body of paper, This is the order r to Format your research paper,
1) Outline,
2)Title sheet 3 )Abstract 4) Body of the Paper ,(1100 words) 5) Reference page.
4. Must have at least 5 different references and the references only from Scholarly periodicals ,journals or any published book on personality disorders, no textbooks, no dictionary/encyclopedia, no Wikipedia, Dictionary, Textbook or web MD.
5. You must reference or cite at least 10 times within your paper
6. When you upload your paper and ‘turn it in’The number that you’ll be given must not exceed 25%. If it is not under 25 it is showing plagiarism.
7. Late papers will receive a subtraction of 1 point each day of lateness.
8. You must make a C or higher on this test, or I am unable to pass you because of the Gordon Rule.

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