Police are the first point of contact juveniles have with the Juvenile Justice System.

Police are the first point of contact juveniles have with the Juvenile Justice System. A
positive interaction between the groups is one factor that helps to keep juveniles out of
handcuffs. The most significant sanction an officer might impose on a juvenile in a
positive interaction would be a verbal warning; however, strained relations based on
miscommunication and preconceived notions could land one or more juveniles in
handcuffs and on their way to jail. Positive communication; therefore, is key to this
relationship. In this assignment, you will discuss police and juvenile interactions.
You are part of the taskforce assigned to the “Effective Police Interactions with Youth”
project. The taskforce (you) is asked to explore and answer the following questions:
• What role should police organizations play in delinquency prevention and
• What training and education should police officers have to improve police –
juvenile interactions?
• Propose five (5) ways to improve police and juvenile interactions.

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