Policy Analysis Research Project: Part 2 – History and Ideology

After gaining a strong overview of the policy you chose, you will now consult a variety of sources to address the following points:
Define the historical problem(s) behind the policy
Explain the reasons why the policy was implemented when it was. Discuss what was happening in history at the time, what problems in society led to the development of this specific policy, and what decision-makers and leading advocates were saying about the policy or issue it was addressing during this time.
Describe the political ideology surrounding the policy
After reviewing the goals, services, funding, design, and implementation, explain whether this is a conservative or liberal policy, or both. Keep in mind, this is not necessarily determined by the political party in power at the time, but rather different aspects of the policy.
Explain the political support the policy gathered at the time of its passage and how politicians have discussed this policy since its implementation. Consider how ideological shifts may help explain if the policy has evolved at all since it was implemented.

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