Policy Analysis Step 3: Historical Analysis domestic violence act

Policy Analysis Step 3: Historical Analysis domestic violence act

Address the following questions in this section of the paper. Be sure to properly cite your sources in the APA format and include a complete reference list. This section of the paper will most likely use two to three sources.

· What policies and programs were previously developed to deal with the problem? In other words, how was the problem addressed prior to your policy? This can include formal and informal approaches.

· How effective or ineffective were the previous initiatives?

· How did the approach to the problem change over time? In other words, can you identify an evolution of the strategies that were being used? (Keep in mind that the focus here should stay on the time period prior to your policy, not what has happened since.)

· Are there any demographic changes relevant to this policy? Can you identify any major shifts in public attitudes throughout the history of the social problem? (Again, focus on the time period up to your policy.)

· Is there precedence for this type of policy? In other words, has the U.S. taken a similar approach in dealing with other issues, even unrelated issues? For example, maybe your policy created a benefit that was delivered through state governments, or maybe your policy gave the court system new responsibilities to prosecute certain crimes. Had these strategies been used in other policies before?

· To what extent did your policy incorporate the lessons of history?

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