Policy recommendation: U.S. supplying weapons to Ukraine.

Policy recommendation: U.S. supplying weapons to Ukraine.
1.) Policy Recommendation: To ship or not to ship
A senior policy maker is going to meet with high-level government officials concerning arms transfers to sensitive regions around the globe. In some of these regions the shipment of arms is crucial for strategic security. In other regions the shipments are creating too much political backlash internationally, and domestically. Your assignment is to write a policy recommendation for a government of your choosing (United states : Government has to be a arms exporter) concerning the shipment of weapons to a current sensitive region/state. Within this recommendation I expect you to outline the motivations to supply, and the pros and cons of supplying weapons. Your job is to make a policy stance to ship arms or to not ship arms and convince policy makers of that determination. Please use real world examples backed up with real facts and figures.
For example, If I chose to write a policy recommendation from a Russian perspective I may choose to write a policy recommendation concerning arms shipments to the middle east, and Syria more specifically. I might mention that the Russian arms industry needs extra funds to keep R&D moving and unit cost down for domestic procurement. I also may mention how much arms have been shipped to date and the effect that these arms have had in order to defend future shipments. However, as a policy maker I also must address that the shipment of arms may be used by Syrian government troops in humanitarian violations, and these violations are putting pressure on the state. Lastly, I would have to summarize my recommendation to keep shipping, maybe at a higher or lower rate, or cut off shipments.

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