Position paper: combating gender discrimination and unequal pay in male and female.

Students should make efforts in collecting and analyzing relevant academic reading and referential materials, which include prescribed readings but also primary sources such as official documents, statistics, media content, presentations, speeches, and interviews, among others. At least, 8 sources have to be referenced. The paper should demonstrate the student’s knowledge and understanding of the lectures and reading materials, and more importantly, the ability to apply the knowledge and skills learnt to analyzing the chosen topic of the research. The paper should be 3000 (margin =/- 10%) words in length INCLUDING bibliographies and references. The position paper must be well formatted in terms of line spacing and proper use of illustrations (tables, boxes, etc.) and the bibliography. Use the Times New Roman font 12-point, 1.0 line spacing, margins of at least one-inch and upper right page numbers. Endnotes, references, appendices should be on separate sheets arranged at the end of the manuscript in the order listed in this sentence. The front page of the paper should include the title, the author’s name, the month and year of submission and the author’s student number. The text of the position paper includes at least an introduction, the main body of the text, and a conclusion. It is allowed to add a brief abstract of maximum 100 words. It is advised to add a maximum of five key words at the beginning. In the introduction you introduce the chosen topic, you argue why it is relevant, you add the main research question and you defend a position. Some attention for methodology is necessary as well. Methodology is about the ‘how’ question. How do you get to your answer, through which steps? If you use difficult terms, it may be appropriate to add definitions. In the main body of the text, you use different arguments to substantiate your position and to answer the main research question. You may use different chapters, but not too many. There should be a clear division between findings and your own interpretations. Findings are the bare facts as they were found by the researcher. In a concluding discussion at the end of each chapter the student may interpret the findings in order to defend the position. You own interpretation should add up and defend your chosen position. In the conclusion the main research question should be restated and answered, based on the findings of the research. Please note that the conclusion is not the place to introduce new ideas. You may, however, make suggestions for further research. You should, again, defend the position taken in the introduction

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