Prepare A written paper about ” Killers of the Flower Moon” totalling in the range of at least 1,500 and a maximum of 2,000 woprd

Killers of the Flower Moon Major paper analysis.

Prepare A written paper about ” Killers of the Flower Moon” totalling in the range of at least 1,500 and a maximum of 2,000 woprds. Requires the student to conduct an in-depth critical analysis addressing a political theme of the assigned film, following the MLA academic writing style.

The paper should contain a problem, hypotheses, methodology, and a literature review based on scholarly.
This semester’s essay’s theme is film genres and political intent. Which film genre (drama, action, comedy, etc.) is better for discussing or informing about a political issue? Which film genre is more “political”? How efficient is a specific genre in delivering a political message? Choose yours and explore its potential.
Analyze your chosen film addressing the film’s genre in relation to the film’s themes, political content/intent, and technical qualities (camerawork and mise-en-scene) addressing these two points:
The efficiency of your chosen film’s genre in carrying a political message.
The kind of political discourse or message does the film’s genre embed/present in the story, setting, production, characters, etc.
1) Description
Compose an out-of-class, individually-written paper spanning between 1,500 and 2,000 words (excluding Cover and Works Cited pages). The paper centers on an in-depth critical analysis of a selected film from the provided list, addressing a political theme within the context of film genres.
2) Goal
Conduct a meticulous examination to assess the selected film’s political intent, content, and interplay with cinematic techniques, along with aspects of storytelling and cinematic qualities such as camerawork and mise-en-scene. Formulate a central argument pertaining to the film’s political discourse and investigate how cinematic elements contribute to conveying this message. This will be achieved by drawing upon the knowledge acquired in the course and leveraging appropriate bibliographical resources.
The paper must be analytical rather than descriptive and organized around a central and clear argument/thesis.
The paper must address one or more questions (listed here) to guide its analysis. Do not forget to mention in the paper’s introduction which questions the paper addresses.
The discussion must be presented in the context of the issues and concepts discussed in the course.
Papers must be thoroughly and properly documented/cited using in-text citations: Peer-Review scholarly articles or textbooks are your only allowed bibliographical source.
The paper must follow the MLA academic writing style (9th edition):
Read this Sample Paper (explained) with explained parts and more writing tips and examples of paragraphs and transitions.
3) Mandatory References
Cite or quote specified mandatory references, including the textbook “Projecting Politics: Political Messages in American Film” and one of the listed texts on the film genre. Incorporate at least one additional outside scholarly reference related to the film’s theme.
Cite or quote these two bibliographical references:
3.1. Course Textbook:
Haas, Elizabeth et al. Projecting Politics: Political Messages in American Film. Routledge, 2015.

3.2. One of these texts on film genre:
Definitions of Film Genre by Steve Neale
Dimensions of Film Genre by Steve Neale
Approaching Film Genre by Barry K. Grant
Who needs Genre? by Barry Langford
3.3. Cite or quote at least one outside bibliographical reference related to your film’s theme.
Use only trusted bibliographical references: scholarly peer-reviewed articles and books.
Do not use any reference addressing YOUR chosen film.
Do not use any website, newspaper, reports, or course slide as references (these sources are unreliable).
Do not use any dictionary.
4) Structure
Your essay must include a cover (with your paper’s title, name, and course info) and the following sections:
Two to three sections comprehending the film’s subject, historical background, literature review, analysis, findings, etc. The sections must be named according to the main subject discussed/presented/analyzed in the section.

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