Qatar Blockade: Analyzing Anxiety, Patriotism and Leadership-bmit a 2-3 page (single spaced) list of sources you will use for your paper, including summaries for each source and how it will contribute to your paper.

Topic – An Analysis of Anxiety, Patriotism, and Leadership Loyalty Examining the Qatar Blockade:
In the context of the Qatar blockade, the concept of “Communities of Feeling” elucidates how shared emotions, initially fueled by anxiety, were harnessed to bolster patriotism and loyalty to the leadership. Examining the “Directionality of Emotions,” it becomes apparent how these emotions were strategically mobilized to strengthen national unity and support for the government amidst the crisis, while also considering the potential demobilizing effects of fear and uncertainty. Furthermore, the notion of “Moral Shocks” highlights how the sudden imposition of the blockade disrupted existing moral frameworks, prompting emotional responses that reshaped political attitudes and allegiance within Qatari society.

Assignment details: Submit a 2-3 page (single spaced) list of sources you will use for your paper, including summaries for each source and how it will contribute to your paper.

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