Reflect upon the readings from this unit and choose the methodology that intrigued you the most: Kodály, Orff, or Dalcroze.

Reflect upon the readings from this unit and choose the methodology that intrigued you the most: Kodály, Orff, or Dalcroze. Create a scenario in a classroom or group healthcare setting (whichever is applicable or of interest to you) where one might implement this methodology. Create an activity and discuss how a music educator or healthcare professional might work in conjunction with a music therapist within your chosen setting. Keep in mind to find ways these two professions can work together without stepping out of their profession’s scope of practice
**Reflection papers should include your own informed thoughts, ideas, and concerns regarding the readings, videos, observations, and other course materials. These assignments should be between 500-750 words. Cite sources as needed using Chicago or APA.

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