Reflecting back on the privilege and identity activities we did prior, how does our privilege and identity play into the way we think about girls accessing education?

International Perspectives on Gender Equity Media

Complete all required material prior to answering questions. Use complete sentences to answer the following questions. See Grading Rubric in your Introduction Module for grading guidelines.

Using A Map of Gender-Diverse Cultures, explore Gender around the world. Provide an overview of what gender looks like in one specific location (of your choice). Incorporate facts/information found in the Atlas by Joni Seager. Do not simply reiterate the information provided, show me that you understand the material.

Why are some girls denied an education?

What is the difference between equality and equity?

What does girls’ education mean to you?

Reflecting back on the privilege and identity activities we did prior, how does our privilege and identity play into the way we think about girls accessing education?

How do you sustain or promote patriarchal ideals in your day to day life?

What are two takeaways from the TedTalk | Leymah Gbowee: Unlock the intelligence, passion, greatness of girls?

Malala is an impressive youth activist. What were you most impressed by while learning about Malala’s work on achieving education for girls in Pakistan?

How can you empathize with Mariama?

How does empathy relate to the Body Ritual among the Nacirema by Horace Miner and The Danger of a Single Story by Chimamanda Adichie? Be specific.

In what ways can sympathizing with our global stories be a detriment to our learning?

What restrictions/privileges do you have that prevent you from taking an empathetic approach?

How does the distinction between sympathy and empathy play into our role as global citizens?

How do you feel about the constraints imposed on Amina’s life simply because she is a girl?

What impacted you the most about Amina’s determination to speak out?

At the end of Amina’s story she says, “I am change.” Do you believe positive change is possible? How could you influence that change?

How does perseverance persist through both stories?

How do you feel about the decision Azmera’s brother made to support her?

What are some of the long-term impacts of his decision?

Why do you believe the practice of child marriage continues in rural communities such as Azmera’s, in spite of the fact that it is illegal?

What can you bring in from our previous lesson on child marriage?

What do we know about gender and disasters?

Historically and presently, how do existing institutions, like education, keep some populations from accessing education?

What is one take away from the story of the girls higher education project in Solukhumbu?

We often see the “Hollywood” version of development. Films like Girl Rising are criticized for having white savior undertones, highlighting the us vs. them. What differences can you see between The Small World videos and the Girl Rising Chapters? Similarities?

You have figuratively traveled all over the world. You have learned about the importance of empowering women and educating girls. You have traveled. You have reflected on your own identity and privilege. What have you learned? What are the most interesting three facts that stayed with you?

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