Report how analyzing the sqrt of the number of moves impacted the result, defining what a skewed distribution means.

Report your results using the template found on pp. 238-239. Be sure to follow APA-7 formatting guidelines for student work! Refer to the attached guides for help. I will take points for incorrect formatting. Please include a properly formatted student cover page. I would also like the demographic characteristics you reported in Part 2 included in the section labeled Participants. Be sure to italicize Latin letters used to report statistics (M, SD, r, p, t, etc.). The template in the book is bare bones – yours should be more informative and provide more detail.

In your Results section, I want you to also report the p value. You can comment on how it agrees with what the Confidence Interval is telling you. Also report how analyzing the sqrt of the number of moves impacted the result, defining what a skewed distribution means.

In your Discussion section, address the validity questions suggested in the template. At the bottom of p. 239 there are 4 questions. Include your answers to the questions in the Discussion area of your report (NOT as a list! Integrate them into your text). I also want a properly formatted References page listing the Oishi report and the textbook. NOTE: The Oishi reference in the references area of your textbook is NOT the correct reference!

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