Select a case of compliance scandal involving a nonprofit organization. Conduct a literature and newspaper article search (Review a minimum of 8 articles) involving the particular case you have selected.

Select a case of compliance scandal involving a nonprofit organization. Conduct a literature and newspaper article search (Review a minimum of 8 articles) involving the particular case you have selected. Write a brief paper (3 – 5 pages double-spaced) summarizing the case (who was involved; what happened; when & where did it occur), indicating the elements of the “Fraud Diamond” that were in play, what internal controls within the organization failed and how the scandal might have been prevented.

The assignment will be graded on each of the following elements:
The paper is well written, with an organized discussion and well-backed opinions
The background and key elements of the case are clearly described
An approach for anticipating, managing, and potentially decreasing the reoccurrence of the situation is offered The writer makes use of appropriate references

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