Select a total of THREE (3) items from this list of 5 terms below, and 1) define and explain the term, providing examples from the readings, lectures or films; 2) discuss the significance of this term for our understanding of either its role in China’s religio-political past, or what happened to Chinese religions in the modern era.

Identification/Key Word Short Essays
Select a total of THREE (3) items from this list of 5 terms below, and 1) define and explain the term, providing examples from the readings, lectures or films; 2) discuss the significance of this term for our understanding of either its role in China’s religio-political past, or what happened to Chinese religions in the modern era. Write two or three paragraphs per item in your bluebooks. (16 points each x 3 = 48 + 2 = 50 points)
“releasing life” (fangsheng)
“Underground” Christian churches
Red-hot sociality
“Smash the Four Olds”
“Life of Things” (wu ming)

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