Show how the Church is the new Kingdom of David, again giving at least one concrete example.

Short Essay (3-4 paragraphs) 30 points
In the book of Acts, Jesus’s parting words to the Apostles are: “You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and
in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). These words have great significance, both
for the story of the spread of Christianity, and for the meaning of the Catholic Church. First, summarize
the spread of Christianity according to the prophecy of Jesus. Give at least one concrete example of a key
event or figure that occurred during this process. Include an explanation of the issues that arose and were
resolved with the spread of Christianity to the Gentiles. Then explain the Davidic significance of Jesus’s
words. Finally show how the Church is the new Kingdom of David, again giving at least one concrete

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