Social Work Intervention – Choosing Acceptance and commitment Therapy.

Imagine you are sitting down with your client to form a treatment plan – you are now going to work together to apply/implement this intervention – but you need to explain what you know about this particular intervention and the clinical situation. For this assignment, you will develop a paper based upon your selected intervention addressing the client identified in the PICO assignment. This written paper should include the following 3 sections. In your paper, do not directly answer the questions below in first person, or use a question-and-answer format. Rather, these questions are offered as points of consideration, or things for you to reflect on, as you write the paper.

Describe the presenting problem that is the target of this intervention. This is the “O” in your PICO question (the outcome). Questions you may want to ask yourself as you write this section include:
What *specifically* is the targeted problem/outcome?
Why is intervention necessary for this problem? What are the potential negative outcomes (bad effects) that could happen if this problem is left untreated?
How widespread is this problem (prevalence)? Is it a problem for lots of people, or just a few?
How does this problem manifest across the scope of social work practice (when the identified client is on micro, mezzo, or macro level?)
Examples of micro are when your clients are individual people (how does the problem affect individuals?
Examples of mezzo are when your clients are groups of people (e.g. how does the problem affect families, therapy groups, social work agencies/organizations etc.)
Examples of macro are when your “clients” are societal-level systems (e.g. how does this problem show up in communities, policy making systems, societal attitudes or disparities, etc)

Describe the intervention What intervention would you use with this client? In other words, what was the answer to your PICO intervention/effectiveness question” “Among (your clients) is Intervention 1 or Intervention 2 more effective in treating (outcome)?” Questions you may want to ask yourself as you write this section include:
Specifically describe the intervention, in sufficient detail for you to use as a reference when describing the intervention to your client, colleague, or other stakeholder. What is it called? Who developed it, and what is the purpose of the intervention?
How is the treatment delivered – In person or virtually, individually or in groups, by meeting with community stakeholders, etc?
What is the ”dosage” or the proper amount of treatment – 6 weekly sessions, 1 year of residential treatment, multiple legislative sessions?
What happens in sessions?
What research evidence did you consider when choosing this intervention?
Think back to the RCT, QED, non-experimental, and qualitative articles you have read: What information in those articles helped you decide, and how did you compare information across the different article types in order to decide on an intervention?
What are the “pros” and “cons” of the intervention? Where are the research strengths and where are gaps? For instance, is there a lot of high-quality evidence around using this treatment with a specific population, but the data on efficacy ranges widely, so you aren’t sure if it will be a little effective or a lot effective?

Describe how you would use this intervention with your specific client/target population. Think back to the “typical client” you considered when writing the PICO question, and describe how you would implement this intervention with your client. This is all hypothetical, you do not need to implement this (but you could! Talk to your field supervisor if you are interested). Questions you may want to ask yourself as you write this section include::
When you would start the intervention (how would you know when the client is ready to start this intervention? When you are ready to start the intervention?)
How long the intervention would take (how long for each session? How many sessions?)
Where and how would you provide the intervention?
Anticipate this paper to be 8–12 pages in length (not including the title page) and include a title page and proper APA referencesLinks to an external site. page. Practice writing in a strong, active voice using in-textLinks to an external site. citations to support your thoughts and facts presented. The use of third-person perspective is required.

Remember that in all parts of the Understanding the Research Process assessments, you are expected to apply social work ethics to all components of your work.

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