Teaching and Learning Philosophy statement Teaching and Learning Philosophy statement

Everyone operates with a theory of what makes the best learning environment and how people grow and develop. In many everyday interactions and activities (from sharing a story with friends to parenting a child), our philosophy of human learning is manifested in how we teach and helps us to adapt to learner’s needs. Often, this philosophy is tacit and unarticulated; it simply exists – unexamined – in our subconscious. The purpose of this assignment is to make your philosophy and person theory of human learning (and its implications for teaching) explicit, to provide you with an opportunity to examine (consciously and critically) how people learn and, accordingly, how they should be taught. Thus, for this paper, you will articulate your theory of how to establish the best learning environment. You will support it by using theoretical perspectives of what defines the best in education. Your completed paper will give you a conceptual framework from which to draw strategies and practices for the success of all parties involved in the teaching-learning process.

The final statement should be 5-6 single-spaced pages, in Times New Roman 12-point font, and should include the following elements:
1. An Introduction Here, you should also include your definition of learning based on the theory/theories covered in the course.
2 . How do you believe people learn? In this course, we learned about different learning theories. Which theory/theories resonants closest to your own beliefs about how people learn? Be sure to identify at least one philosopher/psychologist who holds similar viewpoints and explain their theory.
3. How should teachers teach? Based on your theory of learning, please describe how teachers/instructors should teach. What would occur in the classroom/workshop/seminar/training session/etc. to help students learn? What activities? How would you, as the instructor, act?
4. A Conclusion
5. References using the American Psychological Association (APA) format.

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