In the Module 1 Case Assignment, you worked on categorizing domestic extremists; however, the beliefs of some extremists are hard to categorize. This is because extremists can be motived by a combination of influences, some of which are evolving, overlapping, and fluid. In some cases, ideologies intersect with conspiracy theories and various forms of misinformation and disinformation. In other instances, individuals may develop their own eccentric justifications for violence, such as accelerationism and involuntarily celibacy. For hard-to-categorize ideologies, there is the All-Other Domestic Terrorism Threats category, which would encompass extremists who carry bias related to religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
In the Module 1 SLP Assignment, you will explore accelerationism and involuntarily celibacy (abbreviated as Incel) and you will delve further into ideological subsets of anti-government/anti-authority violent extremism.
SLP Assignment
There are two requirements for the Module 1 SLP Assignment:
SLP Requirement #1: Describe each of the following four ideologies as they relate to domestic violent extremism.
Involuntary Celibate
Militia Violent Extremists (MVE)
Sovereign Citizen Violent Extremists (SVE)
SLP Requirement #2: Discuss one domestic violent extremist attack that has occurred within 10 years of the present date; include the following information in your response:
Describe the attack, including the method of attack (shooting, bombing, etc.) and impacts of the attack (casualties, property damage, service disruption, etc.).
Identify the target of the attack and why that target was chosen.
Explain the attacker’s ideology.

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