The American Revolution – detail the economic struggle after early colonial wars that led to such tension in the colonies. After discussion rebellious events, discuss what ultimately led to war with the British. What did the Revolution accomplish?

Sources that can be used: OpenStax, any article already used, scholarly articles of educational based websites (with websites included as a footnote each time you refer to a quote or an example). Sources not to be included, Wikipedia, Quizlet, any student forums which share essays, or further obvious sites like that. I trust that you know the proper outlets for research used for educational purposes.

And lastly, this is more of an essay on your thoughts and perspective of the material and display of knowledge with what you learned. Quotes can be used, but kept at a minimum since I’ll be grading your own work . A good rule of thumb with papers is to keep quotes at 15-20% of writing at most, the rest should be your own sentences.

“The American Revolution – detail the economic struggle after early colonial wars that led to such tension in the colonies. After discussion rebellious events, discuss what ultimately led to war with the British. What did the Revolution accomplish?”

Full Marks
Excellent explanation of material. Well rounded essay contains plenty of examples that strengthen the thesis. Quotes properly used and student exhibits mastery of learning of material

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