The logistics practices of a specific organisation in any sector and in any part of the world.

Whilst we acknowledge that learners will prepare and produce assessments in different ways and at different paces, an indication as to how much time it will take you to prepare, produce, edit and submit this assessment is detailed below.

It is anticipated that approximately 88 hours should be allocated to preparing and completing the assignment. The report length should not exceed 4,000 words, this is a maximum value and there is no 10% leeway.

The specified word count refers to the main body of the report and does not include front cover, title page, contents page, diagrams, tables, reference list, bibliography or appendices. Appendices themselves will not be marked. However, inappropriate use of appendices will be taken into consideration when awarding the final mark.

Word document or a PDF.
Write a report that addresses and evaluates ONE of the following topics, with a consideration of both operational and strategic perspectives.
● The logistics practices of a specific organisation in any sector and in any part of the world. (this must NOT be an organisation that you have used in a previous assignment). As part of your report, you should:
● Provide an introduction of your selected topic focus and the reason for the selection;
● Provide a discussion of current issues, trends and expected developments in logistics, including the drivers for change;
● Illustrate your work with appropriate business examples;
● Support your evaluation with appropriate theory;
● Draw conclusions that can be justified from the evaluation.

Your assignment when submitted should not include your name – we use a system of anonymous marking to reduce the risk of any unconscious bias.
The authentic and essential requirements for this piece of assessed work are;
● The report must contain a reference list. All sources cited must be referenced in the report. The Harvard referencing system must be used.
● You must use at least 10 academic sources other than the set texts (and ideally substantially more).
In addition to academic sources, you’re expected to utilise ‘other’ sources to provide information, data and insights into your selected topic.
● The assignment must be structured and presented as a formal business report.
● Arial font size 12 is recommended for the main body/text.
Please refer to the highlighter points very carefully.

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