The overall essential or guiding question for your project or unit. (Ex. For this course the essential question is “How does knowing Alaska History make you a more effective educator?

Your project must be a 3 to 5 page (minimum) written description of your standards based unit or activity. This unit should be one that you do or plan to do in your classroom, school, or community. The following five components must be included in your project:

A list of the specific Standards for Alaska Students (content standards) that your unit addresses. If your unit addresses Alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools, list those.
The overall essential or guiding question for your project or unit. (Ex. For this course the essential question is “How does knowing Alaska History make you a more effective educator?”)

Description of one or more of the learning activities that students would do as part of your project or unit.
A means of assessing your student’s progress (mastery of standards) and/or student products (Ex. Scoring guide or rubric similar to those used throughout this course).

A list of resources that will support your project or unit-human resources, Internet resources, books, etc.
After reviewing your project, create a brief abstract that describes your project clearly so others will have an overview of the project.

Your Name and the names of other team members, if any;
School District;
Your Assignment or position;
Title of Project (Use key words that tell essential information and would be helpful to others.)
Grade level, subject, or audience project was designed for;
Project Abstract (3-6 sentences that describe your project in a way to communicate “essence” of your project to others. Provide enough information so that readers can determine if more detailed information or review of your project in its entirety would be helpful.)

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