Think about conversations you’ve had with various individuals in the past. Describe your reactions to the following situations.

All term long, we have been discussing the importance of looking/acting/behaving like a highly trained educated professional. Part of behaving like an educated professional means “talking the talk.” This includes speaking professionally, using proper grammar, and conversing in the terms used in your profession.

A.) Think about conversations you’ve had with various individuals in the past. Describe your reactions to the following situations.
What were your thoughts/feelings/approach when you spoke with:
1. Someone who did not use proper grammar and word choice.
2. Someone who was highly educated and spoke in terms you were unfamiliar with, assuming you knew the meaning of the words.
3. Someone who spoke in cultural slang or urban talk that you personally were not familiar with.
4. Someone who spoke in disrespectful, demeaning, or inflammatory, vulgar/cursing language.

B.) Having expressed your reactions to each one of the above situations, now discuss why it is important for you, as a healthcare provider, to maintain a high level of professionalism, dignity, and poise when you communicate with others — in your professional AND personal life.

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