To what extent do standardized test scores (math and English) predict GPA for high school students?

Which GCU core quantitative research designs might use multiple linear regression as the analysis type? Explain. Given the following problem statement, research question, hypothesis, and suggested research design, do the components presented demonstrate good alignment? What are the predictor and criterion variables? Would the research questions be adequately addressed by the data generated using multiple linear regression? Support your position.

Problem Statement: It is not known to what extent standardized test scores (math and English) predict GPA for high school students.
RQ1: To what extent do standardized test scores (math and English) predict GPA for high school students?
H01: Math and English standardized test scores do not significantly predict GPA for high school students.
HA1: Math and English standardized test scores do significantly predict GPA for high school students.
Suggested design: Correlational Predictive

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