Use diagrams or sketches to help illustrate concepts. You will use screen-cast-o-matic to record your presentations, which will be viewed by classmates and graded by the instructor.

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough” – Albert Einstein
One of the ways to test yourself on your mastery of complex topics is to try to communicate effectively and succinctly to somebody who has no background in your topic of interest. Each week you will be provided with a prompt and you will give a brief oral presentation (no longer than three minutes) as if you were teaching the topic of interest to your 10 year old niece or your 95 year old grandfather. You are welcome to use diagrams or sketches to help illustrate concepts. You will use screen-cast-o-matic to record your presentations, which will be viewed by classmates and graded by the instructor.

Last Completed Projects

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