Use the linear forecasting model which is y = mx + c to calculate and discuss the followings: I. Show the steps of calculation of m value and discuss the answer

Assignment brief: You are required to collect expenditure data for ten consecutive days. This can be done using recent bills or bank statement. Once you have collected the data, you are required to prepare a report undertaking followings: 1. Arrange the data in a table format. (5 marks) 2. Present the data using any two types of appropriate charts of your choice. Example: Column chart, scatter plot, line chart, pictograms, bar chart etc. (10 marks) 3. Calculate and discuss the followings. Please provide the steps for the calculation and highlight the final value. I. Mean (8 marks) II. Median (8 marks) III. Mode (8 marks) IV. Range (8 marks) V. Standard Deviation (13 marks) 4. For your data, use the linear forecasting model which is y = mx + c to calculate and discuss the followings: I. Show the steps of calculation of m value and discuss the answer. (15 marks) II. Show the steps of calculation of c value and discuss the answer. (15 marks) III. Using the calculated ‘m’ and ‘c’ values, forecast expenditure on day 12 and day 15 (10 marks) Hint – Please use the forecasting model and formulas for ‘m’ and ‘c’ value, taught during the lecture sessions.   Length Required Approximately 1000 words, with data sources clearly cited. Formatting and Layout Please note the following when completing your written assignment: 1. Writing: Written in English using appropriate business/academic style 2. Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment. 3. Length: Approximately 1000 words 4. Document format: Report format (Cover Page, table of contents, introduction, the main body, conclusion and references)

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