Use this as a tool to expand your knowledge base about something you are interested in. This is a regular research paper with an Introduction, body, and conclusion. 5 sources minimum and APA Format.”

From my professor: “10 pages, double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman Font, topic can be anything on human development that you would like to deep dive into.
Use this as a tool to expand your knowledge base about something you are interested in. This is a regular research paper with an Introduction, body, and conclusion. 5 sources minimum and APA Format.”

I chose cognitive development since it’s the only thing that has stuck with me through the class. Our professor is pretty lenient when it comes to how to describe the topic so feel free to show your passion on it. It is a masters program so I’m assuming he’ll want the sources as they go in the paper like when making a statement on an idea and making sure to cite it at the same time. I trust your judgement on how you proceed to cite the sources! Sources seem to be open, it can be anything as long as it’s an up to date source and not ancient.
If you have any additional questions, let me know! I appreciate your time doing this! 🙂

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