Use your EVMS knowledge to make the comparisons. Make some convincing charts; present convincing evidence to the mayor about your position.

Assignment – The Cassandra Project
Read the assignment carefully.

The project is already described so there’s no need for you to develop a scenario. Remember, you’re using what happened on a past project and comparing it to what’s happening on your current project.
Use your EVMS knowledge to make the comparisons. Make some convincing charts; present convincing evidence to the mayor about your position.
Remember – the mayor is a layperson and will not have good (any?) knowledge of project management. However, she’s also not going to want to see lots of math, equations, or tables.
You were asked to conduct an analysis of the Cassandra data (attached). You presented your analysis to the team and you said that the Cassandra project was late and over budget. Here’s what happened during and after the presentation:
The Mayor’s team did not believe you and reported their opinions to the Mayor. Also, the Mayor later heard a lot of rumors, innuendo, and complaints from constituents. Now you have been asked to write a letter to the Mayor making a convincing argument about the true status of the Cassandra project. – To help you make your case, you collected some more data on a previous city project that the team worked on (The Modus Project). The following file contains data on two projects. The first is called the “Modus” project and the second project is called the “Cassandra” project.

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