Using what you learned in Chapter 2 about managing equal opportunity and diversity, name and explain 4 potentially discriminatory practices that you should avoid in your role as store manager.

You must copy and paste the question at the beginning of your response. Also, use paragraphs to separate the different parts of your response. Your response should be a minimum of 300 words.

Chapter 2 in our textbook covers employment law and discriminatory practices in the workplace. Assume you are the store manager of a large retail store, such as Academy Sports. You are responsible for hiring employees, supervising them, and recommending them for promotion. Using what you learned in Chapter 2 about managing equal opportunity and diversity, name and explain 4 potentially discriminatory practices that you should avoid in your role as store manager. Your explanation should include the reason you should avoid that practice and the law or concept that makes it discriminatory. So, for each of the four practices you discuss, there are 3 areas you need to cover – 1) Name and describe the practice, 2) Explain the law or concepts that makes it discriminatory (provide an example of a discriminatory practice), and 3) Why you should avoid that practice. Be sure you are thorough in each of those areas.

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