Using your optional data from Homework Two (or you may collect different/additional data) and create two graphs-First graph will examine how a single variable changes over time for each country.

1) Using your optional data from Homework Two (or you may collect different/additional data) and create two graphs
First graph will examine how a single variable changes over time for each country.
Must be one of the two variables you choose independently
Must cover at least or around 15 year time period
Minimum of 7 countries
Second graph will examine how two variables related to each other by country.
Must include two variables you choose independently
Must have at least or around 15 data points (variables) per country
Minimum of 7 countries
Each graph must include

Title of the graph, label for each axis, a legend/labels for countries, and make sure that the values displayed on each axis are clean and legible.
2) Must also install the Excel add-in for next week.
3) Must describe each graph created
Graph description
Graph one = 2 – 4 sentences total
Graph two = 3 – 5 sentences total
Potential questions to answer when describing the graphs
What the graph is examining?
What are the trends, if any; do these variables seem related?
Are there any countries or variables that are out of the norm (outliers)?
Do you notice any potentially interesting patterns?
Note: Your final product should be turned into Canvas in Excel with all of your data, both graphs clearly labeled and the description of the charts directly below them.

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