What are some of the dos for this project Engage critically with at least one of the novels and the concept of im/migration.

Reflection essay (500-650 words)
First-person narration
Any topic related to im/migration in The Book of the Unknown Americans or Girl in Translation
MLA format
Show me that you thought about immigration critically
Focus on one or two specific aspects of im/migration in the novel rather than giving general comments or opinions
Must be in 12-point font and double-spaced

Should I provide a 250-word rationale to explain why I chose a specific format for your midterm project and to explain my thought process even if my project is an essay?
2. I don’t know what to write about. What should I do?
The topic should be related to The Book of Unknown Americans or Girl in Translation. You should engage with the concept of im/migration critically. You can go back to the lecture pages, collective brainstorming assignment, and discussion forum to review the topics covered. You can also talk to me or some of your peers.

3. What are some of the dos for this project
Engage critically with at least one of the novels and the concept of im/migration. For example: retelling the main stories (“the novel is about Latin American women who struggle to assimilate in America”) is NOT to critically engage with the novel. Interpreting the main stories (“the novel illustrates how the social status of Latin American women did not matter once they arrived in the United States. This shows that immigration can erase some aspects of the migrants’ identities”) is to engage with a novel and immigration critically.
Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, MLA style, clarity, and spelling
Contact me when you have any questions
3. What are some of the don’ts for this project?
Don’t plagiarize
Don’t summarize
Don’t wait until Sunday to start your project

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