What are the advantages and disadvantages between the traditional and online learning mode?

What are the advantages and disadvantages between the traditional and online learning mode?Comparison and Contrast essay
Your first paper is a short paper that asks you select one of the topics below to write an essay using the rhetorical mode of compare and contrast. Please remember that the goal of any good paper is to communicate one idea; therefore, a paper that relies on a grocery list of comparisons and contrasts will probably serve little purpose. Additionally, a paper that relies on reiteration of common truths goes nowhere and says nothing. Your paper needs to be fresh and interesting. Please remember that as long as you have a singular purpose for looking at these two subjects, and you communicate the value in doing so, your paper will probably have a purpose.
Please do not forget to end your first paragraph with a thesis that tells me where you are going in this discussion and how you plan on getting there or why this idea is important. This must be done in one sentence. Please highlight your thesis for me so I know what you understand to be your thesis.
You will select from one of the following topics to write your first paper:
The past and the present (be specific)
Living in America and living anywhere else (you have to be specific)
High school teachers and college professors (something that is not common knowledge)
Using an analogy, compare one of your relatives to an animal
A traveler to a tourist
An older you and a younger you
virtual class vs traditional class
Instagram vs Twitter
To be on social media or not
Being stinking rich or comfortably comfortable
The introvert versus the extrovert
The voter vs the non voter
The city versus the suburbs
Uphill or downhill
Please remember that a good paper will be a paper that makes an argument about a concept or issue and expands on that singular argument throughout the essay. It will be organized around a philosophy of thought. An essay that simply states differences and similarities without connecting these items to a broader organizing concept will not satisfy the goal of the essay.
Your paper will be graded on the following criteria:
Do you have a thesis that carries your essay, and is it in one sentence at the end of your first paragraph? Please make sure that you underline or highlight your thesis so that I know what you intend as your thesis.
Have you properly introduced your subject so that the reader knows the parameters of your discussion?
Do your paragraphs each have topic sentences that frame the discussion of the paragraphs?
Do your paragraphs each add something new to the discussion?
Have you done a grammar and spellcheck?
Things to Avoid ( I will be deducting major points if you do not pay attention to these requests:
Do not use questions (unless it is a quote).
Please remember that your body paragraphs should do the following: state, explain, illustrate.
Please avoid using the second person (you).
Basics of paper – Very important – Your grade will be dropped one letter grade if these guidelines are not followed. You must write on one of the topics given in order to receive a passing grade.
Please do not give me what I have not asked for. I want only what I have asked for.
Length – no less than 2 full pages and no more than 3 pages. You can only receive a passing grade for a paper of two full pages. You can stop anywhere on page three, even if it is the first line, but you cannot stop on page 2.
Font – 12 font Roman Times – nothing funky please
Do not skip lines extra lines between paragraphs
Double space
Due date – March 3rd 11:59 pm
Please submit to the same place where you got this information.
Please send as a Word attachment. Please check your format before submitting.

Please also remember that if you are found plagiarizing, your penalty will be a failure for the course. AI generated papers are considered plagiarized. Do not use translation apps or grammar apps please. This should be your own work. Please feel free to utilize the writing center to help with editing or other human sources, but apps for editing purposes are not permitted, and if AI picks up an app, then you have been warned.
# This is not a research paper. I do not want any research. I want your own ideas. If you bring research to your discussion, you will reduce your grade by one letter grade. (If you need to do a quick internet search to find information so that you can speak accurately about common knowledge, that is fine, but I do not want research using specific ideas or data that requires documentation.)

My thesis to start the essay
Virtual classes, although offering flexibility and accessibility, present a significant challenge to students in the accurate interpretation and comprehension of information primarily due to the lack of immediate feedback and real-time adjustments that are key components of traditional classes.

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