What are the consequences of that unequal distribution?

This section has covered a few interesting topics: discrimination, poverty, housing, and health care. Choose ONE of the essay topics below. This is your opportunity to show what you have learned in the class so far and to apply your thoughts to the topic.

Most people dream of owning a home one day. It’s the biggest expense that most people will have in their lives. Normally, people have to take out a mortgage to buy a home. This unit showed as that some loans are dangerous for certain consumers. As we reconsider financial regulation, should we treat negative-amortization mortgages and interest-only mortgages like cocaine: banned to prevent you from making a lifetime mistake? Why? Do you think we could see a similar housing bubble like we did in the mid-2000s in the near future?
One of the suggestions for providing the working poor with health insurance has been to require employers to provide health insurance benefits for all workers by having employers “buy them into Medicaid.” Requiring this would raise the cost to employers of hiring new workers. Do you think this would be an overall positive or negative for workers? Why?
The wealth of one person, Bill Gates, is about equal to the annual poverty gap in the United States in one year, $84 billion. The United States has a more significantly unequal division of income than any other industrialized country. What are the consequences of that unequal distribution? Also, if you were to construct a poverty measure, what would you put into the calculations to deal with the issues listed in the chapter?

Below are the directions:

Type your response in a Word document and attach it in the editor box below for your submission. Clearly state which topic you are addressing (1, 2, or 3). Submission needs to be double-spaced and a minimum of 3/4 of a page, maximum of 2 pages. DO NOT POST YOUR SUBMISSION AS A LINK TO YOUR ESSAY. (5 points).
Answer every question that your chosen topic asks. (5 points).
Apply concepts that have been explored in the class (e.g. opportunity cost, scarcity, etc.). (5 points).
Treat this essay similarly to an essay you would submit for an English or Writing class. The essay should be well-organized and coherent, with grammatically correct language and correct spelling. (5 points).

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