What are the differences between a patient with early onset AD and one who gets it later in life. Discuss the lifestyle and physical differences of the two AD patients, the treatment and diagnoses differences of early onset and late-onset AD.

Answer questions throughout the essay:

What are some of the current statistics and future statistics for AD in the US and the world?
2) What will be the costs and who will pay for the costs? The book’s statistics are old, find newer ones. The CDC can help.
3) What is the currently known pathophysiology of the disease?
4) What body systems are affected by the disease and how are the body systems affected by the disease?
5) What does the disease do to the body and how does it impact the patient’s life and cause eventual death?
6) What are the differences between a patient with early onset AD and one who gets it later in life. Discuss the lifestyle and physical differences of the two AD patients, the treatment and diagnoses differences of early onset and late-onset AD.
7) How is AD currently diagnosed and what NEW research is being done to diagnose. Please find a very current research reference not something from alz.org,
8) What are the current treatments and what NEW research is being done?
9) Discuss some of the medications and their potential side effects.
10) What special nutrition related considerations might there be for an AD patient?
11) Design a one-day diet including breakfast, lunch and dinner plus a snack that would be appropriate for an 80 Y/O AD patient. Make a chart and insert into the body of your paper. Include feeding technique ideas to assist the caregiver.
12) Discuss some prevention theories: exercise, diet, life-style changes.

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