What are the important issues in water science?

Water science is more relevant to our daily lives than you may think, from the water we drink and use in washing dishes to how products are manufactured and goods are moved across the planet. This leads us to the second part of our discussion. Please select one of the following two topic options for discussion.

Topic 1: The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) manages the National Aquatic Resource Surveys | US EPA – https://www.epa.gov/national-aquatic-resource-surveys, which is described as “collaborative programs between EPA, states, and tribes designed to assess the quality of the nation’s coastal waters, lakes and reservoirs, rivers and streams, and wetlands using a statistical survey design. The NARS provide critical, groundbreaking, and nationally-consistent data on the nation’s waters.” Navigate to the data dashboards and fact sheets and tell us, what is the state of US water quality? Consider sharing visuals and statistics to support your discussion.

Topic 2: Please seek out reputable online resources on water science. You may target water science sections of government agencies (e.g. US Environmental Protection Agency – https://www.epa.gov/environmental-topics/water-topics, US Geological Survey – https://www.usgs.gov/mission-areas/water-resources, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency – https://www.noaa.gov/water, etc.), non-governmental organizations (e.g., United Nations Environmental Programme – https://www.unep.org/explore-topics/water, WaterAid – https://www.wateraid.org/us/, etc.), local agencies or organizations, or events (e.g., World Water Day – https://www.worldwaterday.org/). Choose a story that interests you and present a summary of it here. Use your own words. Do *not* paste in text directly from the website. The idea is to read the article and report back to us. For example, why did you select the article; why is this topic important? What are the important issues in water science?

Consider adding water science-related visuals to your posts when you find them, as they enhance the discussion.

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