What are the pros and cons of allowing the police to use such a procedure.

Week 5

Week 5 Discussion
Criminal Procedure and Process
Discussion Topic
This week we learn about profiling. Are you in favor or against profiling beings used at airports during the screening process. What are the pros and cons to such a procedure? Are there any potential abuse problems?

Week 7

Do you believe that random drug testing should be allowed? Please address those areas of society (or those groups of people) that you would allow, or not allow random drug testing. Make sure to explain your position. (Some things to think about: would you submit to a drug test to play sports; to get a job, to receive public benefits, to attend Monroe?)

Week 8

How does the First Amendment relate to criminal law and procedure? Please explain your answer. Go with your gut feeling but please don’t give just a one or two word response. Give this some thought.

Week 9

Please discuss whether you’re in favor of the type of technology used in the Kyllo case that you learned about this week. What are the pros and cons of allowing the police to use such a procedure.

Week 10

Would you allow DNA samples to be taken from all people who were arrested? If not, when would you allow DNA samples to be taken? (Please explain your reasons and don’t forget to discuss the pros and cons of your position.)

Week 11

Doing away with Miranda? Most people could probably recite the Miranda warnings without even taking this course. Do you think a suspect needs them to be read to him or her or can we dispense with the reading of the rights. (I’m not saying to get rid of the rights…just the requirement of having to read them or risk losing the suspect’s confession because they weren’t read.) (Remember to include the pros and cons.)

Week 12

What is the ruling in the case of Batson v. Kentucky and what effect does it have on jury selection?

Week 13

This week you learn about the death penalty. Discuss if you are in favor or against it. Please support your position with specific criminal justice principles.

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