What are your insights after a careful study of these passages?

The resurrection of Jesus is arguably the most important event for traditional Christian faith. This assignment asks you to focus on the three Gospel accounts from this week’s readings (the shorter ending of Mark, the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of John) and consider how the writers describe events at tomb of Jesus on the day when he was raised from the dead. Pay attention to both similarities and differences with a view toward the original audiences and the contexts in which these accounts were written. Draw on what you have learned about these three Gospels thus far in your study of the New Testament.

Using three accounts of the visitors to Jesus’ tomb on “the first day of the week” after his crucifixion (Mark 16:1-8, Matthew 28:1-10 and John 20:1-18), write an extended essay that conveys both how they differ and what they have in common (focusing your discussion on the verses listed here but briefly taking into account the passages that follow). Consider the purposes of the Gospel writers in their portrayal of Jesus and his followers and reflect upon why these differences may exist. What are your insights after a careful study of these passages?

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