What are your reactions to the childhood experiences of these three authors?

Follow Rubric Read the three Readings posted here. What are your reactions to the childhood experiences of these three authors? What experiences were similar between the three authors (Asian-American immigrant, Native American, and Australian Aboriginal)?

What is different about how they were raised from your child-rearing experiences in terms of who their primary caregivers are, what expectations were. How were they compared to the dominant cultures (In these cases, mainstream American and mainstream Australian? ) Are they making those comparisons or are other placing their worldview of the authors’ childhoods? https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/08/31/childhood-friends-called-my-food-chinese-grossness-how-did-it-become-americas-hottest-food-trend/?utm_term=.05d4af2c7c43

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