What cause of offending do you think may be the most important?

Question: The readings discuss theories of offending that focus on different causes: family (ch. 8), schools (ch. 9), peers (ch. 10), communities (ch. 12), strain (ch. 13), and learning processes (ch. 14). Chapter 17 discusses the idea that the causes of the onset of delinquency may differ from the causes of persistence in or desistance from it. What cause of offending do you think may be the most important?

Defend your reasoning using the course materials. (In your posts, be sure to explain your reasoning, to draw on the readings and the introductory notes, and to review the grading rubric.)

• Feld, Barry C., and Donna M. Bishop, eds. 2012. The Oxford Handbook of Juvenile Crime
and Juvenile Justice. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780199338276.

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