What could you have done differently to improve communication, authenticity, honesty, and openness (AHO) from a Christian worldview?

Part 1:
Create a media-based reflection project on a topic that has impacted your perspective (for better or worse) as well as, how your Christian worldview has influenced public opinion and social change through social media experiences. In preparation for this media project, provide some insights into what you believe were the successes and challenges. What could you have done differently to improve communication, authenticity, honesty, and openness (AHO) from a Christian worldview? How has your participation changed your understanding of permanence, subjectivity, influence, quality, and meaning? Share why you have chosen this avenue and justify your choice with experience and sources discovered throughout the course — be as specific as possible. You may choose any media-based avenue to complete your reflection, but keep it relatively short (two to four minutes), as this is preliminary work for the next portion of the final.

Areas of assessment:
Critical Self-Reflection: Analyze personal assumptions and perspectives, integrate course content, and offer a new approach/new perspective/new application.
Development and Evidence (10 points): The thesis, main points, and/or claims are supported with relevant and fully developed (reader gains insight) personal examples, textual sources, and scholarly academic sources. Synthesis of the sources shows original thought.
Integration of Biblical Worldview (10 points): Analyze course content against a biblical worldview. Scripture is integrated appropriately, and the effects and influences are examined.
Part 2:
Based on your reflections in this course, consider topics and questions that might have piqued your curiosity or evoked an emotional or intellectual desire for additional information. Consider how these topics might help shed some light on your forthcoming Capstone Master Thesis research project. This exercise is intended to help get you started thinking about your Master Thesis and choice of topics (see topic suggestions below). Further, in preparing for this final paper submission, consider “social problems,” “service opportunities,” or areas in which you might feel called to affect social change, including but not limited to the following:
What is the root of this problem or opportunity? Define the key issues at play and how they contribute to this situation. Write a clear problem statement.
Consider how you are uniquely equipped to address this problem or opportunity.
How will your solutions improve the lives of the people who are affected by your identified problem?
What are measurable goals that will help determine whether your project is a success? Provide a plan that is concrete, specific, and feasible. If applicable, what social technologies can you employ to carry out this plan?
How can you bring “truth in love” to this situation?
What other alternative views might other stakeholders have with regard to your approach and plan?
Use your creativity, but also authenticity, to make sure that both your problem and your solution are definable, measurable, and possible.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on add a file, then click submit to upload your assignment by the posted due date. Review the rubric for specific grading criteria.
Sample Topics:
Consider applying the Internet and social media as a conduit for influencing political opinion and social change, addressing one of the following “topic” issues:
Information overload, the emotional impact of cyber bullying
Exploring the “narrative” discerning facts; babble versus truth; fake news
Social terrorism, identity theft, the problem with transparency and openness
Euthanasia or mercy-killing (the right to die)
Human Genome Project—co-creating the next generation
Pro-life versus Pro-choice
Character education—exploring the Constitutionalists’ framework
Community-wide social change for youth development
Diversity, faith, family, and freedom
The church in changing times
Personal choice (coordinate with your professor)
Assignment Guidelines:
This is to be written as a project proposal and should be six to eight pages in length, with appropriate APA formatting and style. Students are required to submit their papers in the APA Format using Microsoft Word.
This assignment, as in all assignments in the MOL program, requires an interdisciplinary and multidimensional approach to ethical and analytical problem solving, demonstrating valid and reliable research-based methods for applying OB theory to practice—disciplined inquiry and applied epistemology that is in alignment with the established standards and criteria applying analysis and research, communications, and ongoing development for improving individual and workgroup performance, integrating knowledge and understanding of organizational behavior theory and leadership & managerial development, within the context of a biblical worldview. Furthermore, in your paper, you must include at least three outside research-based resources.
Outline and areas of assessment:
Overview of the Problem: The problem statement is clearly outlined in the first paragraph. Student identifies dominant research (who, what, and when). Student compares and contrasts various views and methodologies.
In-Depth: Body of paper; identify theoretical underpinnings and provide examples or case studies. Student integrates scripturally relevant references and cites other supportive documentation. Include data points, graphs and charts, what works and what does not; and provide additional insights that indicate where the research field is headed and why.
Applied: Discuss best practices and/or breakthrough learning derived from the literature. Provide explicit examples of processes you have experienced and the impact this has had on you, another individual, or a group. Or, take the counter view; provide evidence for alternative views. Explain why theory may not always apply to real-world experience.
Concluding Remarks: Provide a comprehensive summary including introspective analysis and clear next steps.
References: Cite texts, biblical principles, including at least three other outside resources.
Language, Grammar, and Organization : Strong, effective academic word choice; variety in sentence structure; active voice is primarily used.

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