What data did researchers collect to determine the outcome (in other words what was the independent variable or predictive variable)?

Summarize the article. In your summary:
Identify the hypothesis or research question.
Mention some of the research that has been previously done on the topic as discussed in the article you read.
Discuss methodology: What is the dependent (outcome) variable? What data did researchers collect to determine the outcome (in other words what was the independent variable or predictive variable)? Who were the subjects? How did researchers collect their data (interview, survey, medical record, etc).

Summarize the results: What did they find? Be sure to study the graphs and charts, they can help youunderstand the results.
What do the authors conclude? Authors generally try to give some context to their research, that is compare it to
other studies on the topic. Do the results support or refute the current understanding of the topic?
What are some limitations of the study? Did the authors or can you identify any confounding variables? (A confounding variable is one that has not been identified as an independent variable, but could have an effect on the dependent variable.) What are directions for future research?
Include a citation of the article in your summary. If you are not familiar with citing scientific literature, it should include the following:
Article Title:_________________________________________________________
Publication Name:_____________________________________________________
Watch this video for an explanation of literature citationsLinks to an external site..
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