What do you think will be the impact on the company if they do not adopt AI (partially/fully) 2 examples.



Noe (2010pp.125-135) asserts there are three stages involved in the HR Planning Process.

· Forecasting

· Goal Setting and strategic planning

· Implementing and Evaluation

According to SHRM “Generative AI is changing the anatomy of the workplace and supercharging the capabilities of individual workers. While the pace of innovation continues to accelerate, one thing is certain: Generative AI’s impact on business, HR and the workforce is going to change the world.

The literature continues ……………Nearly all business leaders say their companies are prioritizing at least one initiative related to AI systems in the near term. In the last year, the number of HR Professionals who will be using AI grew by 20 percent. The result is generative AI will increasingly be seen as a tool to enhance human capabilities. Augmented intelligence will help workers automate routine tasks, allowing them to focus on more creative and complex aspects of their roles. AI is changing everything, and it will impact us all.” (SHRM AI in the workplace Jan 2024)

Assignment requirements:

As Members of your Group, based on your readings, experience, research and the above captured details prepare an Essay answering the undermentioned questions: – You can use your own company or one of your peers company.

1. As the General Manger state (3 areas) where support can be given to assist your HR Manager at this critical time.

2. How do you visualise the HR Manager’s role in the above scenario? Give three (3) examples.

3. What do you think will be the impact on the company if they do not adopt AI (partially/fully) 2 examples

4. How do you think your staff will react based on the changes taking place (2 examples)

Each member should assume one of the following roles, however based on the size of the group,
you can have more than one person in the same role.


Human Resource Manager


Submission Instructions:

• The Essay should consist of no more than 1200 – 1500 words

The cover page should include the Course Name & Code, Group identification (Eg GR01) and
the name of each member
• The introduction must have an overview of the case facts to be addressed. In
addition, the information in the body of the presentation must be relevant,
logical, and linked to the topics and introduction.
• The conclusion should summarise the information and recommendations
• At least four references must be used and cited (no more than five years old)

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