What does it mean to be a white (or black or Asian or Latina, etc. depending on who you are interviewing) woman/man in America?

require that you first collect data that you then analyze in some way in order to prepare your essay. This means you will have field notes of some kind, parts of which will be used to write your essay.
Your write-up for each project will be as follows: a 1-page Cover Sheet with your name and the Project Title; followed by a 4-6 page essay; followed by the supporting notes you took for the project. Your essay should be typed, double-spaced, one inch margins on all sides, 12 point type–nothing larger than this. Number all pages.

Choose two individuals to interview, one male and one female, who differ from you in age,
ethnicity, class status, or religious affiliation.

You will be constructing life history narratives for
your interviewees. Be sure to preserve anonymity by changing names and any obvious
descriptors that might identify your interviewee. Ask them the following questions:
What does it mean to be a white (or black or Asian or Latina, etc. depending on who you are
interviewing) woman/man in America? Rephrase the question to get at class and sexual
preferences–to be a working class/middle class/upper class woman/man, to be a lesbian/gay or
heterosexual or bisexual or transexual woman/man, etc.
Family Dynamics: Ask questions about their childhood, growing up, current family structure,
changes in family structure, notions about parenting, ideas about marriage and relationships
between husband and wife.
Gender Roles in Society: What do they think these roles are in our society? What do they think
they should be?
What changes would they like to see in society? If their dreams came true, what would be
Use the life history narratives to discuss how gender roles and identities are constructed in
American society. What factors influence how people see their gender identities? Are gender
roles changing? Why? Why not?

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