What does the fruit that the goblins are selling represent? How do the actions of the poem represent desire and addiction?

The Romantics PDF contained 13 questions. Please answer those questions on a Word document and upload to this assignment. They are included again below for your convenience.
From “Songs of Innocence” pages 334-337.
1.What do these poems describe?
2.What do you think Blake was trying to express with these poems?
From “Songs of Experience” pages 337-341.
3. What do these poems describe?
4. What do you think Blake was trying to express with these poems?
From “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey” pages 351-354.
5. How does Nature play a role in this poem?
6. What purpose does it have and how much importance is it given?
From “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” page 363-379
7. Who or what is responsible for the curse against the Mariner?
8. Why does the Mariner get to survive the voyage while all the other sailors die?
9. What does “Life-in-Death” represent?
From Dickinson’s poems pages 483-485
10. What purpose does Nature have in these poems?
11. What does she suggest above Death and the Afterlife?
From “Goblin Market” pages 493-504
12. What is the moral about sisterhood that Rosetti establishes in Goblin Market?
13. What does the fruit that the goblins are selling represent? How do the actions of the poem represent desire and addiction?

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