What does the research say about the effectiveness of your model in addressing the problem you have identified?

Assignment: Grant Proposal Research Paper 8-10 pages. Due April 9th by 11:59 pm uploaded in Canvas. (100 points) [Cover sheet and reference pages do not count toward total pages. ]
Students will identify an evidence- based practice or intervention model specific to Juvenile Justice and write a research paper, formatted as if you are seeking funding or proposing adoption of this evidence- based model at your agency or in your community.
The paper will include the following:

· Cover Sheet
· 1 page: Executive Summary (Abstract)
· 2 pages: Statement of Need – this will require research and a brief literature review to adequately document the problem you are trying to address and establish the rationale for the program model you are proposing. For example, what does the research say about the effectiveness of your model in addressing the problem you have identified? Is this an evidence-based practice model? Why is this the best option?
· 3 pages: Project Description: This section is the “meat and potatoes” of your proposal and should include the following subsections:
o Goals and Objectives
o Methods (how the program model will work and be implemented, including timetable)
o Staffing and administrative needs
o Plan for evaluating results
· 1 page: Budget and Budget Narrative
· 1 page: Conclusion
· Reference page
· Optional Attachment: Logic Model
All in-text citations and references at the end of the paper should follow APA format. Use page numbers and subheadings.

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