What does this story reveal about this religion’s concept of the divine?-What does this story reveal about this religion’s beliefs about the place of humanity in the

*For this essay choose one of the living religions we’ve studied over the course of the semester and select 1) a myth/narrative/legend considered sacred to that religion, 2) a particular temple/synagogue/mosque/church associated with that religion, and 3) an artifact/artwork sacred to that religion or which expresses particular aspects of that religion.

RELIGION WE STUDIED: Hinduism, Janism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Confucianism, Sikhism,
Islam, Daoism, Atheist, Paganism

JUDAISM: 1) story of Abraham and Isaac 2) Temple Emanu-El in NYC 3) the Shofar
Then construct a clear, fluid, organized essay with an eye to the following questions:
· Briefly summarize the narrative and make it clear where it comes from
· In what ways does this story reflect core aspects or beliefs of your chosen religion?
· Do we find similar stories in other religious traditions?
· What (if any) archetypes are at play in this story?
· What does this story reveal about this religion’s concept of the divine?
· What does this story reveal about this religion’s beliefs about the place of humanity in the

· Is your chosen piece of architecture typical or atypical for this religion? Explain.
· Why is the building laid out in the way that it is? What do the parts of it “mean”?
· Is there a particular ritualistic way to approach, enter, or go through the building?
· How does the building express core beliefs or assumptions of the religion it represents?
· How does this building compare to other houses of worship?
· Is the artifact used in a ritual way? If so, how?
· How does the artifact or artwork express core beliefs of the religion?
· Do we find similar artifacts in other religions? Compare and contrast.
· Is there a particular myth or narrative that explains the use of this artifact?
· Where (if at all) does the artifact show up in the religion’s sacred literature?
· How does the artifact connect modern worshippers to the religion’s history?
· 8-10 pages (of written prose), double-spaced, 12-point font
· Title page (first page of text must begin at top of first page after the title page)
· Title page must include: creative/engaging title, name, name of class, professor’s name, date
· Primary and secondary sources properly cited on separate bibliography page at end of paper
· Consult at least two secondary, scholarly sources and cite them in accordance with an
accepted, academic style (e.g. APA, MLA)—no loose, web sources!
· Each page must be numbered (except title page)
· Appendix with image or images
Title page, appendices, and bibliography do not count toward required page length

SO 8 pages of paper written, 1 title page, 1 reference page, and 1 appendix (3 pictures, 1 from each

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