What factors contributed to the wrongful conviction you identified and what do we know (from your assigned readings and external scholarly sources) about these contributing factors?

For this assignment, you will be answering questions about an ethical dilemma that you have faced in your life and how others approach dilemmas in their life. You must write a 900-1,500 word paper that addresses the following questions (black ink, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1” margins, APA formatting). Your answers must be typed and saved as a Microsoft Word document. DO NOT submit a “.pages” document – it will not open on my office computer and I will not be able to grade it. All papers must be written in paragraph form (not question and answer format). Be sure to place your name on your document. Papers should be in word document format and submitted via the assignment tool on UTCLearn.
It is expected that you will integrate information from the course readings and class discussions into your paper to support your discussion. Moreover, you are expected to draw upon relevant outside, scholarly sources to support your arguments. Whenever you refer to information from your readings, lectures, or another scholarly source; make sure you are citing appropriately in the text of the paper and providing a reference page in APA format. For help with APA formatting please visit https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ Links to an external site.. You DO NOT need an abstract for this paper. Materials submitted that are not in accordance with these guidelines will not be accepted. A rubric for this assignment is available on UTCLearn.
Go to the National Registry of Exonerations website. Find a case where a person was exonerated and misconduct by a criminal justice professional was a contributing factor in the individual’s wrongful conviction (here is a direct link to the list of exonerees: https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Pages/browse.aspxLinks to an external site.)
Write a brief description of the case including: the exoneree’s name, the crime for which the person was wrongfully convicted, the length of the exoneree’s original sentence, and how long the exoneree served in prison.
This should be approximately a paragraph in length.
What factors contributed to the wrongful conviction you identified and what do we know (from your assigned readings and external scholarly sources) about these contributing factors?
For this part of the prompt, the exoneree profile is a good starting point, but you may also have to explore newspaper articles that cover the case to get more information on the contributing factors (if these articles are available, this varies case by case).

For this portion of the assignment, you must describe the contributing factors with special attention directed to the misconduct committed by CJ professionals in the case. Then, describe what your readings and other scholarly sources tell us about these factors.
For instance, if prosecutorial misconduct was a factor – what type of misconduct? how does the prosecutor’s behavior violate the rules of expected behavior for prosecutors? how common is this form of misconduct and does research identify any key factors that contribute to this form of misconduct?
How can we prevent cases like this from happening in the future? That is, what can be done to prevent the types of misconduct, etc. from leading to another wrongful conviction like the one you explored in this paper?

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