What improvements can be made: is it a practice issue or a process problem?

• The paper will be 5-7 pages in length, APA style 15%)• Problem/Background: Identify & describe a nursing or patient care topic (older adult who had a total knee replacement due to severe osteoarthritis)/issue that has been encountered and its significance to nursing and health care. (20%)• Literature review (1 or 2): review the current literatures related to the chosen topic/issue/concern and provide supporting data. (20%)• Analyze, compare or contrast the review of the literature (evidence-based practice) with your nursing experience. Why was this topic important to you? (20%).• Implications for nursing (20%)o Practice- What are the best or preferred nursing practices for this concern? Provide supporting data, rational and evidence. What improvements can be made: is it a practice issue or a process problem? How could it be changed? Think about an action plan which can be implemented by the nurse or the institution/ profession.o Education- What are the current guidelines for educating staff about patient care or nursing practice related to area of concern/ topic, provide rationales and evidence.o Research- What are the priorities for further studies, from a nursing clinical or leadership perspective.

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