What is the average unit price of products ordered by customers in a specific city.

Assignment Description
To provide students with hands-on experience in using Tableau to extract insights from a database.
Students will import CSV files into Tableau, clean the data, and create joins between tables to establish relationships. They will then build various visualizations to explore the data and answer specific questions.
Data Files:
1- Import the CSV files into Tableau.
2- Clean the data by removing duplicates (if any), correcting data types, and handling missing values.
3- Create joins between the tables to establish relationships
4- Build the following visualizations:
a. Bar chart: Show the total number of orders per customer.
b. Scatter plot: Plot the unit price of products against the quantity ordered.
c. Pie chart: Display the distribution of products by supplier.
d. Line chart: Track the total sales over time.

e. Map: Show the locations of customers and suppliers.

5- Answer the following questions based on the visualizations:
a. Which customer has placed the most orders?
b. What is the average unit price of products ordered by customers in a specific city
c. Which supplier has the highest total sales?
d. Are there any geographical patterns in the distribution of customers and suppliers?
Students will submit a Tableau workbook link containing the cleaned data, joins, and visualizations.
Students will also submit a written report summarizing the insights they gained from the data, answering the questions ( MS Word Report)

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